My Martial Arts

Started practicing martial arts when I was in preschool. After 8 years I received the Black Belt promotion in April 2016. Thank you to my great instructor and training partners.

These are all the belts I earned on the way towards the Black Belt MMA rank:

MMA workout with my brother Liam (white outfit) from about 4 years into my training under direction of instructor Alan Dyson 5th degree black belt in Tang-soo:

This is a video of one of my very early tests in MMA with the instructor Mr. Kurt Schulenburg.

The style I practice is called Mixed Martial Arts or MMA. It is a mix of several techniques that include
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)
- Kick boxing
- Muai Tai
- Karate

In this journey towards the black belt rank in MMA, I had several great instructors with backgrounds in many different styles of martial arts.

- Kurt and Caroline Schulenburg

- Allan Dyson

- Mike Budnik (Twitter:

- Kassandra Salgado

- Mark Millare

Currently, I'm focusing on Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. I received my first promotion in BJJ in April 2016 to the first (gray) belt. I hope to continue developing my skills in this style. I love practicing in this gym. I'm often helping demonstrating techniques with the instructor since I'm have the most senior belt in the class.