
 Tim Sweeney is spot on so many issues. Neal Stephenson's dystopian vision of metaverse depicted in his novels: #Snowcrash and #Reamde is a definite possibility. William Gibson's novels describe worlds that are looming on the horizon as even more severe warning.

#metaverse #meta #epicgames #technology #computersandtheinternet

Max Stack Algorithm

 The goal of this problem is to find the maximum number in the stack: 5 6 10 4 1

Coded in C++ and Python.

Excellent sound library for my musical projects


Pythagorean Triplets

 This problem requires you to find the Pythagorean triplets of an array.

Coded in C++ and Python.

Multilinear regression

 Multilinear regression is to fit a model represented by a linear combination of arbitrary functions of x to a set of observed data points.

The basis function Fj(x) most commonly will have the family of integer powers which the regression is based on.

In the code: 

x[] and y[] will be the x and y coordinates of the observed data.

n will be the number of observed data points

sigY[] will be the standard deviations of the observed data.

par will be the number of model parameters

a[] holds the parameters of the model

sigA[] will hold the uncertainties associated with the model parameters.

mert is the value of the Chi-square merit function.

f() is the user function.